Node JS fs.readFile() Method
In Node.js, the fs (File System) module furnishes a collection of methods for interacting with the file system. Among these methods, fs.readFile() stands out as a fundamental tool for reading data from files asynchronously. This article will delve into the fs.readFile() method, exploring its syntax, parameters, usage, and error handling....
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CSS :not(:last-child):after Selector
The : not(:last-child): after CSS selector is employed in front-end web development to style elements, specifically adding content after each child element except the last one. This selector is useful when we want to target elements that cannot be directly selected. It is commonly used to enhance styling and visual presentation in HTML layouts....
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What is the difference between SCSS and SASS ?
SCSS and SASS are both syntaxes of the SASS preprocessor, enhancing CSS with advanced features. SCSS uses a CSS-like syntax and file extension `.scss`, making it easier for developers familiar with CSS. SASS, using `.sass`, has a more concise, indentation-based syntax....
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How to read and write JSON file using Node ?
Node JS is a free and versatile runtime environment that allows the execution of JavaScript code outside of web browsers. It finds extensive usage in creating APIs and microservices, catering to the needs of both small startups and large enterprises....
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How to make Bootstrap table with sticky table head?
A Bootstrap table with a sticky table head is a table layout where the header row remains fixed at the top of the viewport while scrolling through the table’s content. This ensures continuous visibility of column headers, improving data readability and navigation within the table....
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How to Align modal content box to center of any screen?
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How to align flexbox columns left and right using CSS ?
The flex columns can be aligned left or right by using the align-content property in the flex container class. The align-content property changes the behavior of the flex-wrap property. It aligns flex lines. It is used to specify the alignment between the lines inside a flexible container....
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Node Method
To create the file, to write to a file, or to read a file method is used. fs.readFile() is only for reading the file and similarly fs.writeFile() is only for writing to a file, whereas method does several operations on a file. First, we need to load the fs class which is a module to access the physical file system. For it require method is used. For example: var fs = require(‘fs’);...
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How to redirect to a relative URL in JavaScript?
To redirect to a relative URL in JavaScript, you could use window.location.href. It is a property in JavaScript that represents the complete URL of the current page. It can be used to get the current URL or to navigate to a new URL by assigning a new URL to it....
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Difference between __dirname and ./ in Node.js
Working with any technology requires to interact with files and directories. Files and directories maintain a tree structure for easy access. Working with Node.js also requires accessing files using the file path which can be obtained using different commands. There are two ways of getting the current directory in Node.js . However, they are quite different from each other....
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ES6 | Array filter() Method
The Array filter() is an inbuilt method, this method creates a new array with elements that follow or pass the given criteria and condition. Few Examples have been implemented below for a better understanding of the concept Syntax:...
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MaterialApp class in Flutter
MaterialApp Class: MaterialApp is a predefined class or widget in a flutter. It is likely the main or core component of a flutter app. The MaterialApp widget provides a wrapper around other Material Widgets. We can access all the other components and widgets provided by Flutter SDK. Text widget, DropdownButton widget, AppBar widget, Scaffold widget, ListView widget, StatelessWidget, StatefulWidget, IconButton widget, TextField widget, Padding widget, ThemeData widget, etc. are the widgets that can be accessed using MaterialApp class. There are many more widgets that are accessed using MaterialApp class. Using this widget, we can make an attractive app that follows the Material Design guidelines. Here is the constructor of MaterialApp class:...
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